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The Hair Serum stimulates hair growth, but not only:

  • It is a complete leave-in hair care
  • It effectively fights against hair loss
  • It is a growth booster for your hair
  • It strengthens and repairs the hair
  • It deeply nourishes the hair

Embrace beautiful and long hair with the addition of a few drops of this hair care in your beauty routine. Its triple-action limits hair loss, stimulates hair growth and repairs it from root to tip. Over the days, your hair is strengthened, silky, and light, as if you just left the hairdresser.

Say goodbye to falling out strands! With the Hair Serum, your hair regains strength and shine. 

Active Ingredients: Procapil™, Phylderm®

Pack Size: 50ml

Manufacturer: Floxia

Manufacturing Country: France

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