macromed. pharmaceutical compnanies in lebanon. rabih hassouneh. The word macromed is written in blue on a white background


Indication: Preventing Rh immunization for pregnancy and other obstetrical conditions in Rh-negative women unless the father or baby is conclusively Rh-negative, e.g., delivery of an Rh-positive baby irrespective of the ABO groups of the mother and baby, any antepartum fetal-maternal hemorrhage (suspected or proven), actual or threatened pregnancy loss at any stage of gestation and ectopic pregnancy. indicated for the prevention of Rh immunization in any Rh-negative person after incompatible transfusion of Rh-positive blood or blood products (e.g. red blood cells, platelet concentrates, granulocyte concentrates).

Composition: human anti-D(RH) Immunoglobulin

Pack Size: 1 Vial

Form: Injectable powder and solvent for IM

Manufacturer: Kedrion 

Manufacturing Country: Italy

Registration Number: 166602/11

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